December 17, 2024
Christmas Eve
Updated! The December and January assignment schedules are available in our dropbox.
Sunday School Teachers
Please pick up a copy of Talking to your Kids About God. There is homework for each of the 5 chapters (or “Parts” as the book calls them). Hard copies can be found on the back table. You can also complete the homework online.
Reminders for Sunday, December 22
Borrow a DVD or CD
To make the process more convenient, you can now place your order on our website.
Visits Appreciated
• Darlene Hammack — Byron Health Center, 1661 Beacon St, Room 314
• Tina Howell — Byron Health Center, 1661 Beacon St, Room 206.
Check it out!
Josh has submitted a number of papers for his various classes at the seminary. We think our members would be interested in reading them; you can access them in the church’s dropbox.
Useful Links
• Livestream (Sundays from 10:00 to 11:30)
Google Groups
This Past Sunday
Helpful to Know
• We now have assistive hearing devices for those who would benefit from one. Simply see the person running the soundboard and he will fix you up.
• If you prefer to mail your contributions, please send them to PO Box 296, Markle, IN 46770. This is the most secure way to send mail to the church.
• If you are scheduled for nursery and are unable to attend, please do not use Facebook to find a fill-in. Instead, check the assignment schedule and simply trade with someone who might be available. If needed, contact Ben or Steffanie Powers.
• If you find that you are not getting weekly emails from the church, then two things are possible: 1) your email manager is tagging our emails as promotions. If so, you’ll need to change that in your settings; 2) our service received an “unsubscribe” notice from your email address (possibly the result of an anti-spam service). If so, only the user can restore it. Simply go to this link and sign back up.