After clicking on an audio player, there may be a brief delay before it starts. The messages below can also be heard as podcasts on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, and Amazon Podcasts.  Watch sermon videos on our YouTube channel.


02/16/2025The World That Shaped the New TestamentD Laubmp3YouTube
02/09/2025Reframing the Battle of JerichoJ Bertschmp3YouTube
02/02/2025Romans 8:37-39D Stevensmp3YouTube
01/26/2025About our Sunday Morning LiturgyW Branemp3YouTube
01/19/2025Messianic Perspectives, Pt 2J Milesmp3YouTube
01/12/2025Messianic Perspectives, Pt 1J Milesmp3YouTube
01/05/2025Body Life SundayVariousmp3YouTube